AFRL POC Resources

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AFRL Minority Leaders – Research Collaboration Program (ML-RCP) Overview
Historically Black Colleges and Universities & Minority Serving Institutions (HBCU/MSI) Support

The ML-RCP was initiated in May 2005 and is one of the single largest endeavors with HBCUs/MSIs ever funded by the Air Force. Adopting the collaborative format, the program involves student and faculty from numerous HBCUs/MSIs and mentoring universities throughout the United States. Collaborative research projects support the AFRL enterprise to include their nine technical directorates

Program Objective
The objective of the ML-RCP is to enable, enhance, and expand the research capabilities of HBCUs and MSIs through collaborative research efforts with AFRL as well as to encourage underrepresented students to pursue careers in science and engineering.

Government Point of Contact:
Dr. Sirina Safriet

Developing, Soliciting, and Issuing an ML-RCP Project

As an AFRL researcher you may:

If you have questions about ML-RCP processes, please refer to AFRL ML-RCP POA to Award Process

Award Process for Government Technical Points of Contact (TPOCs)

The ML-RCP is pleased to announce that 32 awards are under processing for the last Project Opportunity Announcement Cycle (POA).  

As a TPOC and TD POC, you will receive notification when your award(s) have been executed. Following award, within 14 days, OSU will conduct an administrative kick-off meeting with the university and cover areas of responsibility for them concerning invoicing, deliverables, establishing contact with TPOCs, and other administrative matters. Within 30 days of award, the technical kick off meeting should occur – the university should contact you, or you are free to contact them as well once you know the award has been made.  It is not mandatory that the administrative meeting occur before the technical kick off, but we do want you to understand that OSU will cover the administrative matters with the school.  As far as your responsibility as the TPOC, they are listed below to give you a general idea of expectations.  

If there are questions, please feel free to reach out to the Government Program Manager, Dr Sirina Safriet ( or the ML-RCP team ( Throughout the course of your projects, OSU along with subcontractor ARCTOS, will stay in touch regarding progress and ensure that project is performing to your satisfaction. Additionally, each TD has a POC designated to serve on the ML-RCP Advisory Board and those POCs can be found listed in the POA Template.

Additionally, a few charts extracted from the Administrative Briefing are provided here for your awareness. We are more than appreciative of your support to collaborate with universities on these projects and welcome any insight or suggestions for continuing to improve the program. If ever an issue, please do not hesitate to reach out at the e-mail(s) above. We thank you. 

Government TPOC Responsibilities
Government Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR)/Overall Program Manager:


What To Expect For TPOCs:


Specific Areas of TPOC Responsibilities:

Program Statistics Dashboard
View a report of program statistics including member institutions, project calls, white paper submissions, projects, and more here.

Project Opportunity Announcements, White Papers, and Proposals Archive

Are you on NIPR? Below is the direct link to Project Opportunity Announcements and White Paper Submissions.

For additional assistance, please contact the Google Help Desk at

DoD Government Only

Information on Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

HBCUs include 91 four-year and 17 two-year institutions of higher education established prior to 1964, for the primary purpose of educating African-Americans. The majority of the 102 HBCUs are located in the Southeastern states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. HBCUs comprise 3% of America's institutions of higher education, yet enroll 16% of all African-American students in higher education and award 24% of all baccalaureate degrees earned by African-Americans nationwide.

Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)

HSIs are accredited, post-secondary, higher educational institutions with at least 25% total full-time enrollment of Hispanic undergraduate students. HSIs included four-year and two-year, public and private educational institutions. HSIs enroll 40% of all Hispanic-American students of higher education. There are 274 institutions of higher education defined as HSIs using the criteria defined by the White House Initiative and the Department of Education. Visit the Department of Education's White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics page to learn more.

Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs)

The first TCU was created on a remote reservation community on the Navajo Nation. They now exist throughout Native Country. The 35 public and private higher educational institutions provide a response to the higher education needs of American Indians, and generally serve geographically-isolated populations that have no other means of accessing education beyond the high school level. TCUs have become increasingly important to educational opportunity for Native American students, an importance they have achieved in a relatively brief period of time.

Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AAPISIs)

The AAPI community is one of the fastest growing populations in the U.S. Projections indicate that by 2050 this population will double in size. As a result, the education of AAPIs will be critical in achieving the educational goals of the US.

Additional Definitions
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education maintains lists of postsecondary institutions of higher education enrolling populations with significant percentages of undergraduate minority students, or that serve certain populations of minority students under various programs created by Congress.