The ML-RCP is an AFRL model diversity program that is facilitated by a dedicated team of people. AFRL owns, guides, and funds the program.
The Ohio State University (Ohio State) was selected through a competitive process by AFRL and has a cooperative agreement with AFRL to develop, administer, and promote the ML-RCP consortium. Ohio State and subcontractor ARCTOS Technology Solutions serve AFRL and the ML-RCP.
Government AFRL ML-RCP Team
Dr. Sirina Safriet
Program Manager, AFRL ML-RCP
Ms. Evelyn Kent
Director, DOD HBCU/MI Program and Outreach
Ohio State Team
Dr. La'Tonia Stiner-Jones
Academic Liaison
Dr. Michael Groeber
Research Liaison
Ms. Geetha Sampathkumar
Program Administrator
Ms. Melissa Ferguson
Communications Specialist
Ms. Linda Lange
Internship Administrator
If you have questions about the AFRL ML-RCP, please contact